Journy into the Existence – frontal course

Have you ever wondered how the first particle of matter came into existence?

Even if you believe that God created everything, the Bible describes the creation as starting from a state of chaos. Chaos requires existence of something. So, how this something became?

Additionally, if God created everything, God existed before the creation, so how God exists? Is God separated from the God creation? And if not, then how is it possible that the creation evolves while God is a whole that does not evolve?

Join us to this wonderful experience!
Now 50% launch discount, only 1250 NIS instead of 2500 NIS    

Those questions will begin our journey into the wonders of existence. During the journey we will also discuss:

·        About the Void and its complementary

·        Universes and their location

·        Order and disorder

·        The brain as the most innovative technology

·        And how do we “download” the information from the metaphysical space.

·        What is physical energy and what is metaphysical energy?

·        What is pure consciousness and what is consciousness intention?

·        The reincarnation and the consciousness between physical incarnations.

·        The pineal gland practices.

·        And more

This journey is to empower your awareness and to develop the intention of your consciousness so you can “play” with the matter to create new worlds and universes as well as create your own reality to be the most beneficial for you.

The journey will include 5 weekly sessions, 3 hours each, during which we will study theoretical material and perform practical exercises that enhance our ability to work with our body and consciousness to visit other dimensions, explore our past lives to improve our present lives, protect us and our environment from abusive energies and more.

The frontal course is available locally in Israel. 

Join us to this wonderful experience!
Now 50% launch discount, only 1250 NIS instead of 2500 NIS