Pineal gland- The inner eye and ear
When I was in the kindergarten, I was taught that there are 5 senses: touch, hearing, vision, taste and smell. But the sensitivity spectrum of those 5 senses is very narrow.
Just to emphasize this, we can see less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum, and hear less than 1% of the acoustic spectrum. Let’s take the skates fish (a type of ray fishes) as an example, the rainbow does not exist for the skates. The existence of the rainbow depends on a specific photoreceptor in the eyes, called the cones. Skates completely lack of those photoreceptors, therefore they cannot see the rainbow, so it does not exist for them… So, the next time you look at the rainbow remember- you are not just looking at it, you are creating it….
How do we sense the things that are out of our five senses sensitivity spectrum? We use our sixth sense – the one that perceives things that are out of the sensitivity spectrum of the other senses. The pineal gland, also known as the third eye is this “feeling” inside or the sixth sense.
The sixth sense, like any other sense, is something we are born with but for some it will be more profound while others will need to actively develop it. Like some people who are born with very developed musical hearing versus others that actively develop it- both types can be very successful in their field. The same with the third eye (sixth sense) development- anyone can use and develop their third eye. How do we know? Because we have experience with people who have not seen anything and now see, they didn’t get messages and now they get, they didn’t feel and now they feel!
What does it give us?
If you are in a therapeutic or educational field, if you have a business, if you have children or a family- it helps to connect and get “messages”. What is true and what is not? How to act and what is going on with this person in front of you? And the same goes for yourself. Instead of walking around, you can recognize directly what is the root cause and that’s a great gift. Everyone can learn it! It’s even very easy. Why? Because that’s part of who we are. We just need to become aware of that!
What is the pineal gland?
The pineal gland is a small gland that secretes hormones. It is the only unpaired (azygous) organ in the brain located exactly in the geometrical center of the brain, between the two hemispheres.
In its form, it reminds the pine tree fruit – the pineapple, and is named after it: The Pineal Gland. In the past, the gland was considered a degenerate remnant from the time of our ancestors, and until the 1970s, was used only as a landmark for the midline of the brain. Nowadays we already know that the pineal gland is one of the most important glands in the brain.
In addition, it is one of the few areas of the brain that is unaffected by the blood-brain barrier, a membranous structure designed to protect the brain tissue from the flow of contaminants and antibodies from the blood directly to the brain fluid, allowing it to release the melatonin hormone directly into the bloodstream but also makes it more influenced by the blood flow and the substances in the blood. In fact, it has profuse blood supply second only to the kidney in the human body.
It is slightly larger in women (as it appears due to menstruation), and loses its size as we grow older, until at age 70 it is only about 10% of its original size (about the size of a pea grain).
Interestingly, both the pineal gland and the two anatomical eyes are of the same origin and develop from common tissue layers of the embryonic brain. Furthermore, biology recognizes the pineal gland as being the nature’s first eye! Thus, labeling it as “the third eye” is actually a misnomer.

Figure 1: The location of the pineal gland
A 2002 study published in Bioelectromagnetics magazine found between 100 to 300 microcrystalline crystals made of hexagon-shaped calcite, per square millimeter, in human pineal glands. These microcrystals are surprisingly similar to crystals found in our inner ear and are called “ear stone”. Many of these crystals produce light (in the process known as bioluminescence), and are even capable of converting vibration or frequency of sound into an electric current. For example: Microphones use piezoelectric crystals to convert sounds into electric current. Due to their structure and their piezoelectric properties, these tiny crystals function as an eye and an inner ear, and may be responsible for the body’s electromechanical biological transduction mechanism. This means that there is a good chance that the pineal gland is actually a receptor and transmitter for a “sixth sense” communication.
The fact that it is considered an ancient relic only indicates that in the past we may have been able to use it for direct contact with dimensions or energetic entities in the universe, but for unclear reasons, this ability has been lost, or as spiritual teachers like to say, “we have forgotten” who we are and what Our Divine Source…

Figure 2: The crystals covering the pineal gland as demonstrated in a 2014 study.
The pineal gland through history:
During the history the pineal gland has always remained a mystery, and its symbol – pine-shaped, appears in sculptures and illustrations in many cultures as it symbolizes the connection between body and spirit. Different religions and cultures throughout history have seen in this gland an inner gateway to spiritual dimensions and high consciousness, and it has been received many names throughout history, for example: “The Seat of the Soul”, “The Gate to the Universe”, “the Eye of the Mind” “Gate to the Supreme Worlds,” the Third Eye ‘,’ Sixth Sense ‘and more.
The ancient Greeks saw it as the connection to the realm of thoughts, and the Indians called the energetic center where it is located an Ajana (eye) and called it the “third eye”, which aims to open us to experiences beyond the five senses.

Figure 3: Third eye forehead dot as can be seen in different distant traditions.
Egyptian culture also attributed great importance to the pineal gland, recognizing its resemblance to the human eye. One of the most prominent symbols of Egyptian culture is “the eye of Horus” or “the eye of evil,” which is surprisingly resembling the image of the gland within the brain- as can be seen in the following picture.

Figure 4: the eye of Horus and the pineal gland.
In the 17th century, Rene Descartes identified pineal gland as the seat of the soul. The dualistic philosophy of Descartes relies on a clear-cut distinction between the mental substance which is immaterial and unsolvable by physics or mathematics and the corporeal substance which is incapable of thought and subject to the laws of nature.

Figure 5: The top portion of “Seat of the rational soul.” A sketch by Rene Descartes.
The pineal gland can even be found in the Vatican art.

Figure 6: the pineal statue in the Vatican.
The pineal gland functions:
Today, scientists consider pineal gland to be the master gland, “the regulator of the regulators”, which ensures proper biorhythms of the hormonal and cellular systems. It communicates with the body through melatonin and other neurohormones to establish chronobiological alignment of internal rhythms. Melatonin is a very ancient hormone found throughout the animal kingdom from algae to humans.
Among its various functions, the pineal gland mediates neural stimulation and hormone secretion, and is used to:
- Regulate our biological clock and sleep and wake cycles
- Influences sexual development and desire
- Influences cardiovascular functions
- Influences immune system
- It even plays an important part in the aging process.
- It is the one who releases corrective substances while a brain injury occurs
- Navigation center in birds and other animals due to magnetic material content. Scientists are looking for such properties in humans.
- And, as some studies have shown, has a specific role in mechanisms of consciousness, memory and stress
One of the most interesting features of the pineal gland is its ability to allow the formation of neurotransmitters, which link the right and left lobes of the brain, and contribute to the synchronization between the two lobes. A state of synchronized lobes, considered as a state of optimal mental function, or a “genius” state. Recent studies have also revealed that the pineal gland contains the same photoreceptors or light receptors that are also present in the human eye, which convert light photons from the environment into electrical pulses in the brain to create images. This physiology, is the one that allows us to imagine and see in “our spirit eyes,” scenes, fantasies, memories and dreams, in familiar visual structures, making the gland a source of creativity and imagination in the brain.
Apart from all these functions, the pineal gland has another particularly important role, and as part of the metabolic process, it produces a neurotransmitter called DMT or dimethyltryptamine, which functions as a hallucinogen. The DMT contains serotonin and melotonin, among other things, and is a type of molecule produced in various plants in nature (such as the Iwaska plant) as well as in the human body, and is known to have widespread effects on human consciousness.
Studies have shown that the way DMT is produced in the gland is altered and can be increased during different situations in our lives such as the birth experience, death experience or “near death”, and various mystical experiences. For this reason, many call the DMT “the spirit molecule” and the pineal gland considered the physical location of the soul.
Factors influencing the pineal gland:
- Light
The pineal gland is the body’s light meter. Light exposure to our eyes is the major factor for pineal gland activation. Normally, the pineal gland produces less melatonin in daylight hours and increases secretion during the night. Melatonin, as mentioned above, is a hormone that plays a central role in regulating circadian rhythm.
Living under nature’s time clock, the pineal gland secretes melatonin correctly, and our bodies stay in alignment with the circadian rhythm. Now, however, artificial lighting suffuses our homes, offices, and virtually everywhere else. And, it turns out, this abundance of lumens come at a high price. It throws the circadian rhythm out of alignment. Our sleep suffers, and research shows, that it may contribute to causing cancer, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and more.
Not all colors of light have the same effect on our biology. While during the daylight hours blue wavelengths are beneficial and support high performance, it becomes disruptive once the sun is down. The most disruptive range of blue light is considered to be between 450 to 510 nm.
Blue light causes the pineal gland to suppress melatonin production for up four hours. In one Harvard study, they compared the effects of 6 1/2 hours of blue light and green light exposure. They found that blue light suppresses melatonin twice as long as the green light, shifting circadian rhythms by twice as much (3 hours versus 1 1/2 hours). A recent University of Oxford study found that green light promotes sleep while blue light delays it.
How can we avoid the influence of the blue light?
- Use halogen or traditional incandescent bulbs- Compact fluorescents (CFLs) and LEDs became popular because of their superior energy-efficiency to traditional incandescent bulbs. But it turns out, these new artificial “white light” bulbs aren’t only more toxic for the environment, they’re toxic to our eyes and pineal gland too. Although halogens and incandescent bulbs aren’t as energy-efficient, they have significantly less harmful chemicals (like mercury) and give off less artificial blue light.
- Wear Blue Light Blocking Glasses- We can’t always control our environments. And blue light is everywhere. A study published in The Journal of Biological and Medical Rhythm Research shows that these amber-tinted glasses do indeed improve sleep. Studies also show these blue light blocking glasses help with ADHD symptoms and bipolar disorder.
- Keep your screens (computer, phone, tablet) as dim as you comfortably can. Unless you’re viewing your screen in direct sunlight, you’ll be surprised how little backlight you need. You can train yourself to use less and less.
- Use automatic features such as the Night Shift on iPhone or lux app on android and PC. Your screen will turn more amber when the sun goes down. You won’t have to think about it.
- Avoid staring into computer screens, smartphones, or televisions for at least two hours before going to sleep.
- Increase Your Exposure to Sunlight- There are tremendous benefits to sunlight. A little sunlight in your eyes increases melanin, which supports proper pineal functioning. Increasing melanin in this way will improve cognitive function, reaction times, and light sensitivity. Direct sunlight exposure will also make you more resilient to the harmful effects of blue light in the evenings. Also, if you stare at a computer screen for long periods, periodically shift your gaze out the window and into the distance. Sungazing is used as one of the techniques for pineal gland activation- as discussed in the following section below.
- Sleep in Total Darkness
- Fluoride and synthetic calcium- calcification process.
Studies that began in the 1960s have identified that the gland tends to calcify over the years and develop a shell of calcium crystals that can interfere with its ongoing functioning. The process of calcification around the gland, known as “biomineralization”, is not unique to the pineal gland and occurs in other internal organs, but is particularly significant around the pineal gland, because of its implications for the body and mind. It can be caused by air pollution, chemicals and hormones in food, cosmetics, detergents and of course the fluoride in drinking water. Studies have shown that calcification causes a decline in melatonin production, which causes accelerated sexual maturation in adolescents, a phenomenon that has been measured worldwide since the early 2000s. At the same time, calcification has been shown to be significantly higher in the brain of Alzheimer’s patients.
But doctors are not the only ones bothered by this phenomenon. Many spiritual teachers argue that calcification can impair our ability to communicate with high dimensions and realize our high spiritual abilities. Various theories hold that there are interested parties on earth who want to “close” or sidestep the gland to prevent us from “recalling” our divine connection. One of the ways to do this is, for example, the fluoridation of drinking water which contributes to the calcification process, and seems to have no other benefit.
But is the calcification really so bad? Opinions on this issue are controversial…
Some teachers say the gland calcification, is actually good since it is a crystalline calcification. Crystal is the mineral with the highest vibrational range therefore those teachers believe that the calcification actually happens in preparation for the next stage of human evolution.
Crystals are expanding and shrinking in the presence of electromagnetic fields, in a physio-electric process, associated with the generation of electrical tension in the crystals, allowing them, for example, to absorb radio waves, without the use of electricity…The same teachers argue that by tuning the crystals that accumulate around the pineal gland, we can in the future absorb electromagnetic frequencies, and become more telepathic and wiser. It can also function as multidimensional “antenna” as crystals, are known as information conductors in today’s industry.
Pineal gland activation- opening the “third eye” vision:
No matter whether you believe that the calcification is good or bad, like with any other muscle or sense, if you do not use or practice with it, it will not work correctly. Therefore, working with the pineal gland or the third eye, is an important work of awareness for anyone seeking to wake up, or to have a deeper connection to intuition, the sixth sense and messages from the universe. And this is what we are going to discuss now.
Pineal gland activation techniques:
Each tradition has different methods for activating the third eye. It may be that different methods are appropriate for different individuals based on type, temperament, or some other factors.
You may perform the activation after decalcifying and detoxifying the gland, or you may proceed to practicing and using it in order to “awaken” and develop it. In any way, healthy life style is preferable for any spiritual work. The net is full of various pineal gland decalcification and detoxification methods, ranging from lemon juice and apple cider vinegar to natural melatonin substitutes.
Ultimately, all of the pineal gland activation techniques work to bring the entire brain online—not just the pineal gland. In Awakening the Mind: A Guide to Mastering the Power of Your Brain Waves, researcher Anna Wise explains that in peak experiences and high-performing individuals, not one but all of the brainwave frequencies are active. For example, In this video, a neuroscientist records an individual’s EEG while he’s sun gazing. The scientist notes how all of the various brainwave frequencies become active throughout the brain.
There are several techniques, we will discuss the major ones that we have experienced and practiced:
- Trataka meditation
- Sungazing
- Binaural beats– this is discussed in details in our separate post. For pineal gland activation use binaural beats and isochronic tones that activate delta, theta, and gamma frequencies.
- Power plants– those plants hallucinogenic activity is based on the DMT molecule that is also secreted from the pineal gland. We prefer the more natural ways for working with the pineal gland but plenty of information about this technique can be found on the net- I would suggest to start the search from Ayahuasca.
- The CSF technique– this technique is taught during our courses. All the information about our current courses can be found here.
For your convenience here are some additional short exercises.
So, let’s dive deeper into the first two techniques.
Technique #1- Trataka meditation:
Trataka is a Sanskrit word that means “to gaze.” It is one of six practices in Hatha Yoga. The practice is done by fixing your gaze on a specific point, usually the flame of a candle. The unwavering gaze required for this meditation technique aims to quiet the mind and increase concentration.
There are 2 techniques to practice Trataka – Baharinga (external gazing) and Antaranga (Internal gazing). Baharinga uses a physical object, typically a candle flame or a black dot against white paper. Antaranga, on the other hand, focuses on a mental picture you imagine in your mind’s eye. As you become more experienced in gazing meditation, you will not need to look at a candle flame to meditate. Antaranga is done with the eyes closed while picturing an image or simply a black dot to focus on. The levels are based on your experience and familiarity with the practice. Beginners to Trataka are encouraged to master Baharinga first before attempting other Tratataka techniques.
The traditional meditation methods of controlled breathing or repeating a mantra to help you reach the focus of meditation can also be applied during gazing meditation.
Why do we need to focus our gaze? Due to the eye and mind connection.
- Difficulty in focusing and making eye contact are possible signs of learning disabilities or anxiety disorders.
- The relationship between the inability to track a moving object and poor reading performance, and learning disabilities are illustrated in a study done on children with hyperactivity and learning disability compared with a control group.
- The mental and emotional state of a person often registers with irregular eye movements.
- Conventional wisdom has shown that people with anxiety disorders and other mental health issues have a harder time establishing eye contact or relaxing their eye movements.
With the eye and brain connection established, here are the significant benefits the practice of Trataka can bring:
- Trataka makes the eyes clearer in appearance, brighter and luminous due to the exercise that meditation brings to the eyes and its muscles.
- Trataka is good for strengthening the eyes’ muscles. Being able to hold a steady gaze for longer periods without blinking improves eye muscle control.
- It relieves and improves the symptoms of eye strain, astigmatism, nearsightedness, farsightedness and headaches associated with vision problems.
- Trataka calms the mind, relieving anxiety symptoms and improving mental stability.
- It is helpful in improving the quality of sleep by overcoming insomnia symptoms.
- It develops willpower and memory. The practice of Trataka improves the brain’s ability to concentrate.
- Previous traumas and suppressed emotions are brought to the surface. This brings healing when these emotional issues are addressed.
- Trataka minimizes distractions which improve cognitive processing.
- Trataka is also said to improve one’s spirituality by helping to harness Kundalini energy
How is Baharinga Trataka performed?
The point of this exercise is to fix your gaze at a small point until tears come to your eyes, as they say.
- Sit on the floor and assume the lotus position or kneeling position. Keep the spine straight with the body and shoulders relaxed. Have a lit candle in front of you an arm’s length away and the flame at eye level.
- Close your eyes and calm your mind using any of your regular techniques.
- Open your eyes and look at the brightest spot on the flame without blinking. You will most likely begin to tear up a bit as your eyes get dry. When you are unable to keep your eyes open any longer, close them and keep them closed.
Pro tip: Focus on the red part of the flame, nearest the wick as it is the steadiest and will lessen the strain.
- Keep your mind still and allow a mental image of the flame to appear in your minds eye. Concentrate on the flame’s image in your mind’s eye. Keep your focus relaxed so you do not “chase” the image away. Do not force the image to appear, but simply observe. If nothing manifest, don’t worry, that is completely normal. Take a couple of deep breaths to calm your mind and body.
- Open your eyes once again and gaze at the flame. Keep your eyes open but keep them calm and relaxed. Then one again, as they begin to irritate, close your eyes and keep them closed.
- Just as you did in the previous round, observe your mental screen and wait for the candle to manifest. Maybe you will only see the outline of the candle, maybe you will see something like a dark shape, or maybe you won’t see anything. Keep observing and give your mind the time it needs to manifest this image on your mental screen. Once again breathe deeply and cleanse your mind.
- Alternate gazing at the flame and then close your eyes to gaze at the afterimage. As you continue to practice, you will be able to gaze at the flame for a minute straight and focus on the flame’s image for 4 minutes. Listen to your body, and if you feel any discomfort, simply end the exercise.
Some considerations in the practice of Baharinga.
- Practice candle gazing in a darkened room so you’d effectively gaze at the flame without straining your eyes.
- The opposite is true if you will use the black dot. The room should be well lit to avoid eye strain.
- Some Trataka meditators advise alternating between a flame and another physical object to gaze at. This is to avoid damaging your retina. Alternate the object you are gazing at every few weeks.
- Keep the gaze relaxed. Do not squint or glare at the object. The more stress you put on the eye, the easier your eyes will tire.
- If you were corrective glasses for astigmatism, nearsightedness, or far-sightedness, use it during practice. The point is to lessen the strain on your eyes and not add to it.
- Pace your practice. Consistently practice 3 to 5 minutes a day until you can comfortably gaze without discomfort or tears.
- Keep the object at your eye level so you would not have to stoop or slouch. Make sure the object is also a comfortable distance away from you. Adjust according to your visual preference. Most practitioners find that an arm’s length away works best for them.
How is Antaranga performed?
- Sit in a position you are comfortable with, close your eyes and calm your mind using any of your regular techniques.
- Imagine a candle an arm’s length away and the flame at the third eye level.
- Slowly start to bring the candle closer to your third eye in your imagination, without removing your gaze from it.
- Get it as close as you can without straining your eyes.
- Hold it there for few seconds.
- Now start to move the candle away from you in your imagination, without removing your gaze from it until you reach the initial distance.
- Perform steps 3-6 three times in the beginning. You can increase the number of cycles as you get more trained with the technique.
You’ll know your third eye meditation is working when you begin to feel either a slight pressure in this region or a pulsating sensation. It can feel as though there’s a mini heart beating in your forehead—an unusual sensation initially.
Technique #2- Sungazing:
During our lives we constantly learn things from our surrounding, school, university etc. If we start to “awaken” and perform some spiritual work, we gradually discover that most of what we’ve been “taught” is either completely wrong or just severely limited. And sungazing is a perfect example. We’ve all been told not that staring directly at the sun will damage our eyes, while actually sun gazing is a powerful, ancient technique with tremendous benefits.
Why are we told that it’s dangerous to look at the sun? Ultraviolet (UV) radiation can damage the retina. But did you know that the UV index is usually zero during sunrise and sunset? Therefore, this technique is performed during those exact times.
The theory behind sun gazing is that you’re absorbing the energy of the sun directly through your eyes and skin.
Hira Ratan Manek (known as HRM) is the person who brought this method to the mainstream. Through sun gazing, HRM and many others have been able to go long periods (years!) without eating and remain physically healthy.
A team of physicians from the University of Pennsylvania examined HRM 24/7 for 130 days. They confirmed his claims that he survives mostly on sunlight with a minimal amount of water. Neuroscientist Andrew Newberg and pineal gland authority George Bernard studied HRM’s brain during this 130-day period. They found that the gray cells in HRM’s brain are regenerating.
Further, the pineal gland shrinks in individuals after their mid-fifties. In HRM’s case, this 64-year-old man’s pineal gland was expanding! (His pineal measured at 8 x 11 mm compared to the maximum average size of 6 x 6 mm.).
So, beyond protecting our eyes from the damages of the blue light, the sun can help us restore the original size and function of this all-important gland!
How is this technique performed?
When sun gazing, it’s important to only look at the sun within the first hour in the morning and the last hour in the evening when the sun still has an orange glow. Using HRM’s method, you start within the first 15 minutes of sunlight in the morning and the last 15 minutes at the end of the day.
You only gaze into the sun for a couple of seconds at first, building up to 45 minutes per day for nine months. You can read the specifics of HRM’s method here. But even if you’re not interested in following this particular protocol, occasional sungazing in the early morning or late evening will support your efforts to activate your pineal gland.
You don’t sun gaze during the day when the UV index is high. Sun gazing is reportedly safe whenever the UV index is less than 2. Your local weather source quotes the current UV index.
Sun gazing is also done barefoot, so you get the added benefits of grounding too (grounding will be discussed in our separate post).
Finally, ditch your sunglasses. Direct and indirect sunlight stimulates the pineal, prompting it to produce serotonin. This neurotransmitter will elevate your mood and your level of energy.
Some words of caution:
Working with the third eye is an advanced spiritual work, not suitable for anyone.
During your work, you may experience amazing experiences of connection, which can also scare or stress the inexperienced. Opening of the pineal gland is involved in high energy stress, and you may feel symptoms of waking accompanied by headache, nausea, dizziness, muscle spasm, anxiety, insomnia and even nightmares. These are all temporary and as soon as the body adapts to the high energy they will change. If you have no experience with high awareness work, it is best to start with basic training.
Cautious work should be performed in the following cases:
- If you suffer from epilepsy or similar types of seizures Since the practice alters the brain blood flow and the brainwaves.
- If you suffer from schizophrenia or psychotic seizures.
- If you have OCD or a known mental disorder.
- If you are pregnant.
- If you have cardiac or pacemaker disorders.
- If you have high sensitivity to light.
- If you are under the influence of drugs or medications.
- Thirty minutes before operating heavy equipment or driving a vehicle.
- Thirty minutes before you take action where you can endanger yourself or others.
Despite these precaution steps, working with your third eye is a fantastic experience and it opens a door into a world of intuition and precognition that will help to be much more synchronized with your life and higher self!
For your convenience here are some additional short exercises.